David Engels
Lexicography / FGrHist
1. Biographische Beiträge zur Datenbank "Amici Populi Romani"
Redaktion: PD Dr. Altay Coskun, University of Waterloo, Ont. (APR Update 3, April 2010: http://apr.uwaterloo.ca/index.html)
1.1. Seleukos III. Soter Keraunos
1.2. Antiochos III
1.3. Seleukos IV. Philopator
1.4. Antiochos IV. Epiphanes
1.5. Antiochos V. Eupator
1.6. Demetrios I. Soter
1.7. Alexandros I. Balas
1.8. Demetrios II.
1.9. Antiochos VI.
1.10. Diodotos Tryphon
1.11. Antiochos VII.
1.12. Seleukos V.
1.13. Antiochos VIII.
1.14. Antiochos IX.
1.15. Philippos II.
1.16. Mithridates II.
1.17. Orodes I.
1.18. Sinatrukes
1.19. Phraates III.
2. Contributions to: The Encyclopedia of Ancient History (13 vols., Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013)
Redaction: R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine, S. Huebner
2.1. Apollonius of Tyana (557-558)
2.2. Cynicism (1887-1889)
2.3. Damascius (1917-1918)
2.4. Dio Chrysostomus (2102-2103)
2.5. Epictetus (2436-2437)
2.6. Ethics (2506-2510)
2.7. Monstrum, Greece and Rome (4584-4585)
2.8. Musonius (4643)
2.9. Obsequens (4855)
2.10. Omens, Greece and Rome (4900)
2.11. Panaitios of Rhodes (5017-5018)
2.12. Porphyrius (5436-5437)
2.13. Portents, Greece and Rome, in historiography (5438-5439)
2.14. Prodigies, Greece and Rome (5563-5564)
2.15. Pythagoreanism (5684-5687)
2.16. Religion, Roman (5795-5796)
2.17. Religion, Roman, terminology of (5793-5795)
2.18. Stoicism (6400-6402)
3. Beiträge zu den "Fragmenten der griechischen Historiker"
Redaktion: D. Engels / St. Schorn, Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Continued. Part IV 2.1 (Antiquities), Leiden, Boston.
3.1. Xenophanes von Kolophon (FGrHist 1761)
3.2. Istros (FGrHist 1768)
3.3. Dionysios von Chalkis (FGrHist 1773)
3.4. Pausanias von Antiocheia (FGrHist 1776) (mit Chiara Grigolin)
3.5. Trisimachos (FGrHist 1780)
3.6. Kleitophon von Rhodos (FGrHist 1781)
4. Contribution to the "Encylcopedia of Empire" (Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016).
Redaction: J.M. MacKenzie.
4.1. Aristocracy and Kingship (136-148)
5. Contribution à: A. de Benoist / G. Travers (dir.), Bibliothèque du jeune Européen, Paris, 2020.
5.1. Oswald Spengler, p. 114-116.
5.2. Thomas Mann, p. 468-470.
5.3. J.R.R. Tolkien, p. 37-39.